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Nat Ring

A collection of 2 posts

How to Build a full page calendar with React

How to Build a full page calendar with React

Learn how to build a full-page calendar using React.

Nat Ring5 min read
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Heroku Review Apps with Automated Custom Domains on Route 53

Heroku Review Apps with Automated Custom Domains on Route 53

We were recently transitioning a client to use Heroku build pipelines for their Next.js project that handles most business logic through an external API, including authentication and cookie handling. This pipeline uses Heroku's review apps [https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/github-integration-review-apps] as well as separate instances for staging and production environments. The client handled their domains through AWS's Route 53 [https://aws.amazon.com/route53/] DNS service. Pointing thei

Nat Ring3 min read
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